The owners of this beautiful home recently purchased a more spacious property through By the Way to accommodate their growing family.
After attempting to sell their home on their own, without success, they turned to us to handle the sale. We offered them our Home Staging services to maximize their chances of selling. Motivated by the desire to sell quickly, the owners repainted and tidied up part of the house themselves, before we carried out a full decluttering. We then installed all our furniture and decorative elements, and just like that, the job was done!
Result: In just a week and a half, their home found a buyer, and at the price the owners had hoped for. A wonderful journey that shows just how much professional staging can make all the difference!
Real Estate Gallery SA
Company number: 0751 936 278
Registered office: Avenue Louise 461, 1050 Brussels
Real estate agent – broker approved in Belgium by the IPI under no. 508.226
Supervisory authority: Professional Institute of Estate Agents, Rue du Luxembourg 16B, 1000 Brussels. Tel : 02 505 38 50 | Fax: 02 503 42 23 | Email : | Website : : | Code de déontologie
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The By The Way team will contact you as soon as possible.