Real Estate Advisor

Radhia Zgaia

IPI : 515.828
After a career in the world of wine and the management of her wine cellar & bar, Radhia has embarked on another equally exciting challenge, that of real estate. She attaches the utmost importance to customer satisfaction with whom she establishes a respectful and trusting professional relationship. She is a good listener and is also passionate about languages. She will accompany you with enthusiasm in your real estate projects. She spends her leisure time cycling, swimming and taking long walks with her dog, activities that always combine action with relaxation.

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Real Estate Gallery SA
Company number: 0751 936 278
Registered office: Avenue Louise 461, 1050 Brussels
Real estate agent โ€“ broker approved in Belgium by the IPI under no. 508.226

ยฉ 2023 - By The Way | Designed with passion by WEEB

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