Managing Partner, Architect & Geometer-Expert

Michaël Kram

This father of two started his career as an architect for 7 years. He then developed his skills as a project manager for various real estate developers developing residential real estate complexes. After 5 years of experience, he reoriented his activities towards the more commercial side of real estate. He then took on the challenge of leading the marketing strategy for new residential projects for a major national real estate company. Co-founder of By the Way with Maïté and Laurent, he is passionate about the environmental impact of buildings on the climate and the quality of life inside buildings. Michaël particularly appreciates giving advice to see the potential of each property when finished. How to meet him? Ask him to share a drink after a good game of tennis or as soon as it will be possible again at the bottom of a nice black slope. Would you like to get to know him?


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Real Estate Gallery SA
Company number: 0751 936 278
Registered office: Avenue Louise 461, 1050 Brussels
Real estate agent – broker approved in Belgium by the IPI under no. 508.226

© 2023 - By The Way | Designed with passion by WEEB

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